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Technovation group tel: +662 329 0544 / fax : +662 329 0545

Technovation  > Lleal


Lleal, S.A., 140 years at the service of the processing industry.

Lleal, S.A. was originally a family business founded in Badalona in 1874.
Since then, Lleal, S.A. has been dedicated to development of the most advanced technologies within the processing industry.  The aim of our company is to be a national and international reference in the manufacture of equipment and installations for the pharmaceutical, cosmetic, food, paint, ceramics and chemicals industries in general.
In Lleal, S.A. we combine experience, youth, commitment and innovation, values that have enabled us to adapt to the different markets. In addition, we are leaders in investigation and development in the design and production of new processing equipment for application in all the fields in which we intervene: agitation, kneading, emulsion, packing, granulation, mixing, grinding, drying and screening.
Our Commercial Department is composed of specialists that possess a deep knowledge of the processes that our equipments carry out, and can offer solutions to our customer’s requirements at the same time.

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