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Showing all 5 results

  • Chemical reactor 

    HEL is proud to present our new PolyBlock 8 XL. Building on our long-standing PolyBLOCK 8 product line.
    Using these larger, highly instrumented reactors in parallel gives powerful data especially if combined with techniques such as DoE.
    The PolyBlock 8 XL offers :
    • 8 interchangeable vessels with volumes to 50 ml – 500 ml (or even 1 L)
    • Full automation with a different recipe running in each vessel
    • Integrated choice of stirring options
    • Temperature range -40 ⁰C to 225 ⁰C
    • Interchangeable use of high-pressure reactors
    • Fully automated liquid and gas dosing
    • High-end options such as calorimetry, turbidity, FTIR etc.
    Find out how the system can be configured for your process today.

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  • In-Situ IR  

    VizIR™ combines a control panel for setting up and running experiments with a toolbox for analyzing spectroscopic reaction data. Simple, well-defined peaks can be tracked using directly measured peak heights, with or without baseline correction. Complex features can be analysed using peak-fitting models created in GRAMS® to deconvolute complex spectra and generate trendlines based on individual peak heights. You can even build a peak-fit model during data collection.



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  • Pilot reactor    

    This is an on-line emulsifier designed to be installed between conducts. This equipment can be used together with the TRI-AGI, the MAX-MIX or process reactors/ diluters, etc.
    It is an ideal machine for:
    ·Highly efficient and stable processes emulsifying water on fatty phase or vice-versa.
    ·Solids mixing and dispersion processes onto high production and fineness liquids.
    ·Homogenizing liquid mixtures.
    This homogenizer can be one, two or three-stage. It consists of an independent unit equipped with maximum three MULTI-TOOTH turbines which produce a high hydraulic shear rate on the products, or the STARMIX type turbine which is suitable for intense emulsifying of shear-sensible products.

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    SOPAT Probes, a Flexible Fit in Extreme Conditions
    We offer a wide portfolio of probes for your application. It is possible to measure particle sizes between 0.5 and 10,000 µm insitu with SOPAT probes, even under the most intense conditions.

    The SOPAT macroscope probe, InView, allows the observation of processes through a window for particle sizes between 10 and 50,000 µm.

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  • Surface area and porosity analyser  

    Any solid material that contains cavities, channels or interstices may be regarded as porous Porosity influences the physical exchanges and chemical reactivity of solids with gases and liquids. Porosity is of great industrial concern as it influences the behavior of gas adsorption and fluid flow within materials.
    Examples of materials that porosity is of importance include catalysts, construction materials, ceramics, pharmaceutical products, metal powders, membranes, active components in batteries and fuel cells, and oil and gas bearing reservoirs.
    With a large selection of gas sorption analyzers, along with mercury intrusion instruments, Micromeritics offers a product to fufill almost any need for porosity determinations.

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